Saturday 7th September 2013 – 14:45-16:15
Workshop Theme Workshop Leader(s)


Practical Session

DementiaExercise and Dementia

This workshop will give an insight into the skills and techniques for delivery of exercise to people living with dementia. PPT presentation

Edye Hoffman, Dementia Compass


Practical Session

Nordic Walking for Older PeopleNordic Walking for the older adult

You will leave this session knowing how to teach the basic movements of Nordic walking as well as having loads of ideas for incorporating the poles into other strength and balance programmes. (Suitable shoes and clothing for walking outdoors on the Clifton Downs please)

Martin Christie & Trish Cowie


Practical Session

Repeated 3E

Feet and fallsExercises for the feet: falls prevention

Recent research in the world of podiatry has shown that foot and ankle exercises reduce falls. Dawn will show you the exercises and talk feet and footwear. Be warned, you will have to take
off your shoes and socks! PPT presentation

Prof Dawn Skelton

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