FaME (PSI) reduces falls even in low risk older adults (but not OEP) – Gawler et al. 2016

Sheena Gawler has published the results on falls reduction in a low risk population of older adults after a 6 month PSI intervention and a 6 month OEP intervention. Conclusions: Community-dwelling older adults who joined an exercise intervention (FaME) aimed at increasing MVPA did not fall more during the intervention period, fell less and had…

Training of health professionals improves implementation of falls prevention strategies

A systematic review of the evidence behind implementation studies on falls prevention, by Victoria Goodwin (one of our PSI tutors) and colleagues, has shown that Interventions that involved the active training of healthcare professionals improved implementation. The evidence around changing the way people who fall are managed within primary care practices, and, layperson, peer or…

CDC Compendium of Effective Falls Interventions

The CDC (USA) have produced a compendium of effective falls interventions that is freely downloadable. This compendium covers exercise based interventions, home modification interventions and multifaceted interventions and collated information from the original research authors. This resource is a MUST HAVE for all those working in falls prevention services as it gives extremely useful information…

DoH Prevention Package (2009)

In 2009, the Department of Health published its prevention package. The suite of downloadable prevention package resources below is designed to support PCTs, SHAs and Local Authorities in prioritising and effectively commissioning services that support the health, well-being and independence of older people. Each resource may be read as a stand-alone document or as part…